Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Full Lunar Eclipse

Couldn't sleep tonight...woke up and found a total lunar eclipse going on in the western evening sky.

Human beings have gazed up at the moon for thousands of years pondering and wondering in quiet awe...

A dog starts barking wildly, making me realize that the curiosity has of course not been only limited to humans.

As the white glow of the crescent moon slowly makes it way inward to engulf the darkness, one can only think of the ancients before us, likely declaring the end of the world or the dawning of a new age. A momentous event worthy of demarcation and reflection. A point on the map from which we can leave the past behind and begin again...

Or as Ben Burress, Staff Astronomer, Chabot Space & Science so eloquently put it:

"A lunar eclipse is a moment to contemplate the connection between the Sun, the Earth, and the Moon--almost as if Earth is reaching out and touching the Moon with a long arm and finger, brushing its celestial dance partner in affirmation of a long and intimate relationship."

Good morning.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Great Iraq Swindle

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The New JamBase

After almost a year of discussion, design, development, testing, launching, and re-testing, we finally pushed the new JamBase out the door last night.

Whenever we do a big redesign, it tends to get a bit nostalgic around the office.

There was the time we went from this to this, and of course the time we went to this and met this guy.

Then of course we went with this for a few years until arriving at where we're at today.

What's most exciting is where we can go from here. We have a new foundation, a clean slate and already some great ideas on what to do next.

Thanks to everyone who has already written in with their comments, all of them, really...we look forward to continuing to make improvements for your enjoyment :)


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Burning Maps

Monday, August 20, 2007

This is what our comment boards would look like in meeting form

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech 2005

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


On bus on bridge on way home

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Sunday, August 12, 2007

Lazy Sunday

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Thursday, August 09, 2007

Grateful Starbucks

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

How do you find out?

Just wondering out loud, how do people find out about stuff? How is something considered popular? How do you know about something without ever having experienced it?

1) A friend told you

2) A media told you

3) You discovered it all on your own (unlikely)


Monday, August 06, 2007

Marin sunset

Mill Valley's Sweetwater to close

Extremely sad news!

    From Marin IJ

    Mill Valley's Sweetwater to close

    After more than 30 years in Mill Valley, Sweetwater, the rock club that became a Marin County cultural institution, has been told to close by the end of the month.

    Sweetwater owners Thom and Becky Steere have been given a 30-day notice by their landlord to vacate the landmark Throckmorton Avenue nightspot, where greats like Jerry Garcia, Carlos Santana, Elvis Costello, Bonnie Raitt and other rock stars have performed over the past three decades.

    The building will undergo major improvements, requiring rent increases that the Steeres cannot afford.

    Mill Valley Mayor Chris Raker, who was surprised to hear of the closure, called the news upsetting.

    "I'm extremely distressed to hear it. It's a major loss to the community. While I welcome the improvements to the building, I wish some accommodation could have been made to allow Sweetwater to stay."

    In an emotional meeting Saturday morning, the Steeres gave their dozen employees the news. "There were lots of tears," an upset Becky Steere said, her voice cracking. "We're a family. This is our life. We're all devoted to Sweetwater. We're feeling deep sadness and sorrow right now. It's heartbreaking."

    The Steeres say they've been looking for a new home for Sweetwater, but it will be impossible to re-create its living-room-like ambience, to replace its barnwood walls decorated with memorabilia and photos of musicians who have played there.

    "How do you move an institution?" Becky Steere asked. "You can't carry away the memories of all the musicians who have performed here, the magic that's been on that stage. If you move an institution like Sweetwater, you lose the soul of the place."

    The Steeres, who saved the club when they took it over from previous owner Jeanie Patterson in 1998, clashed with their landlord in 2004 over rent increases and other issues.

    They threatened to leave during those negotiations, but managed to work out a month-to-month lease.

    But now they've been told to be out by Sept. 1, at the latest.

    "We've had this scene before, but this time it's real," Becky Steere said. "Unless some miracle happens, this is the end."

    The Sweetwater building at 153 Throckmorton Ave. is owned by the Aversa family, longtime proprietors of adjacent La Ginestra restaurant.

    The Aversas are planning "major repairs" that will require the building to be vacant "for an unknown but extended period," according to a statement signed by the Steeres and by Fabio Aversa for his family.

    "Once these repairs are completed, the intent is to re-rent the space, but the increase in rent to offset the improvements will make it impossible for Sweetwater to reoccupy the space," the statement said. "It also makes little sense for Sweetwater to move and then move again, perhaps months later."

    The Aversas say they plan to tear back interior walls to make sure the building meets seismic safety standards and to improve the plumbing and electrical systems.

    "While there have been ups and downs in the relationship between the club and the building owner, both of us are proud of our long-term relationship and regret that it is coming to an end," the joint statement said.

    Fabio Aversa did not immediately return calls for comment.

    John Goddard, whose Village Music record store closes in September due to issues including escalating rents after some 40 years in Mill Valley, blasted the Aversas.

    "Anyone who has eaten at La Ginestra in the past 10 years has given tacit validation to everything the Aversas have put the current and former owners of Sweetwater through," he said. "They ought to be ashamed of themselves."

    The Steeres recently took over operation of the Larkspur Caf Theater, which they had hoped to run in addition to Sweetwater.

    "It will never become Sweetwater," Becky Steere said. "Sweetwater is Sweetwater, a place where big-name musicians come and play, not for the money, but because of the history of this great room.

    "Everyone loved the place."

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Lazy Gray Sunday

Sunday Morning Accoustic

This past June, Tea Leaf Green traveled through Fayetteville, AK and played DGold's radio show with Tim Carbon from Railroad Earth.

Here's a few couple numbers
Carter Hotel

Don't Let It Down

You can listen to the whole show (and the night show) here

Saturday, August 04, 2007


[watch it live]

Dee and Dave have been busy bees this weekend absorbing Chicago's Lollapalooza.

This looks fun:

Check it all out here


Follow-up our own SuperDee around this weekend's festivities with our own Bloggapalooza

You can even help guide her on her journey beforehand if you know of something special...

Friday, August 03, 2007

Steel Train Road Song

...you've made it kid yer on the road

Dear SF

Please tow this car in front of our office!

No End In Sight

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Mmm...Banner Ads

Gotta give props to the MySpace/Fox advertising team for coming up with this innovative ad campaign for the Simpson Movie that runs across two ad zones when you log into your myspace account.

Now only if their CEO and News division would be as heady.

Thanks to Tanner for the tip

p.s. Saw the movie, it was funny...

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Happy Jerry Day

While I tend to thank Jerry for his gifts to the world mostly everyday, today being his birthday gives it a bit of an extra special intensity.

Tune in to nugs.net radio all day to enjoy.

He would have been 65 today...