Sunday, October 03, 2004

Consistently Wrong

"Only fools and dead people don’t change their minds, said John II Patterson. "Fools won’t. Dead people can’t."

I'm so glad that our society is finally getting back to the fundamental life lesson that no matter how committed, steadfast, persistent and determined you are - it doesn't matter if you're WRONG!

It only took John Kerry 75 minutes in last week's debate to point out this fact, and I for one think it's really the only clear answer or retort to the flip-flopper label he's given. These are complex issues with a lot of nuance, sure - but your answer doesn't have to be. Yes, it was wrong to go into Iraq. If he had to do it all over again, no - he shouldn't have voted to give the authority. It was wrong, let's all admit it now together once and for all.

I was confused and disallusioned with W's answers in response that to say it was the "wrong war at the wrong time" is "bad for the troops" - but if we made the right decision in the first place, the troops wouldn't be there. Given the circular paradoxial nature of where we are, I can see why everybody's head is spinning and we're all just a tad bit dizzy.

But one thing is for certain, when these two men stood side by side on stage for an hour and 1/2 and retorted back and forth - it was Kerry who actually made sense a few times, and it was Kerry who actually said things that made me think he knew what he was talking about. I can't say the same for George.

The biggest threat to John Kerry's presidental bid is if people think he's not going to win. For whatever reason or another (maybe our love for sports), Americans don't want to bet on a loser. So if we think our candidate doesn't have a shot, some people might actually not bother to vote. Don't buy into it - don't ever quit - it's never over.

Regardless of how you feel about the electoral process, and you're very welcome to be exhausted by it, go out and vote on November 2nd. Just to feel like you at least gave it a shot and did your part. It is litrerally the LEAST you can do. sure to also check out John Perry Barlow's take on the election as well.