I Can See The Music!

This past weekend I went down to LA to visit some friends. Umphrey's McGee was playing at the El Rey so I was psyched to get to see them while they were swinging through the West Coast.
The show was great, and the crowd was definately into the whole experience. It's great to see the Local Band Do Great all across the country.
The thrill of my evening came when I had the opportunity to meet Matt Groenig, creator of the Simpsons. Like many going to college in the mid-nineties, the Simpsons was a constant source of inspiration and positive energy. I express my gratitude (as non-geekily as I could).
When I asked him what he was doing these days he very matter of factly said, "I work on the Simpsons everyday!" I don't know why I assumed he wasn't actively involved anymore, or maybe thought he had passed on the reigns, but it was great to hear about the creator of one of the most successfull and long(est?) running TV shows of all time still giving it all he can. This past Sunday was the 364th Simpsons Episode. Now that's impressive.
Best part of all, he seemed to be having a blast at the show.
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