Monday, October 09, 2006

Google Acquires YouTube

Hold your pinky finger up to your lip and say it with me...

1.65 billlllllllion (in stock)

Interestingly enough, before they announced my friend Greg made a blog post about the nature of "Brand Value" in all of this.

After all, Google isn't really aquiring new users, are they? Doesn't everybody use Google already?

What they're doing is solidfying their involvement in a very hot space and preventing anyone else from getting a leg up. It's smart, and goog knows they've got the money, or stock, to spend.

I'm still wondering when someone will come out with a commercial or GoogTube Video that is themed "I am not an Eyeball"

P.S. When do you think we'll see the advent of the 24 hour streaming personalized internet telvision channel? You can put in a few tags or keywords or your favorite shows and it will start, then by rating the programming it automatically tailors the video experience to your enjoyment, without you having to 'select' the next thing you want to watch. Choose, or be chosen.

P.S.S. It was kind of ironic that they webcast the Google/YouTube deal annoucement today in Audio Only. Why not video tape it and put it online on your video sites? Sure we can hear everybody talk, but let's see 'em smiling! Maybe even get a huge fake 1.6 billion share check and hand it off...