Thursday, March 15, 2007

I'm not at SXSW...

...but a lot of people I know are.

I was supposed to go, for 10 days actually. Interactive > Film > Music. We did a big sponsorship, have a showcase, and a booth for FanMail in the trade show.

Alas, was not meant to be...for me.

About 3 weekends ago I was hiking in the woods near my house with a friend and NOLA and on the way home stepped wrong and hard on my ankle and broke it. Things appear to be healing pretty well. I've got a boot and been trying to stay off of it as much as possible, keep it elevated, iced, etc...

I figured that 6th St. in Austin was no place for a broken foot this week.

Beyond going to work, I've been a bit of a homebody. I did manage to make it out to the Sweetwater last night to check out a great band Free Peoples. It was the first live music I'd seen in a couple weeks and felt good.

You can learn a few things from a situation like this:
  1. We take our feet for granted
  2. Never underestimate the power of gravity
  3. You can get a lot of work done when you can't leave the couch
  4. Water is the universal healing element
whatever you do, take care of your shoes (or feet, as the case may be)