Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Breakfast

I knew it was going to be an interesting day when we caught the bus this morning with the driver who likes to announce all of the stops, including the 'district time' every few minutes. He's the only driver on the line that does it, and given the fact that it's a commuter bus with pretty much the same people on it everyday who have a pretty good idea of where they're going and where they want to get off, I'm not quite sure what real purpose it serves. Still, it sets my day in a whole different direction whenever I catch his ride. I don't mind it too much, even when I'm the only one on the bus and it feels like he's really doing it just for himself. I guess I see it as him taking extreme pride in his work, something that is often overlooked in our day of fast-food flash-pan quick-hit wonders. Go him.

As the day plowed on, I was caught up in the usual onslaught of emails, phone calls, meetings, quick break for lunch and then back to the desk. There is a vast amount of information crossing in front of my eyes that by end the of day I'm a little dizzy. Admist it all, I tried to remember the bus driver and how even with people cutting him off left and right he stayed on course and continued to do his duty, while keeping everyone informed. Three cheers for the bus driver the bus driver...

Back on the bus for the ride home, we got off in town and walked up to the local burger joint. After ordering I was greeted by an old friend Tim Palmieri, guitarist for Connecticut's very own, The Breakfast. What was he doing in Mill Valley, CA?! Playing at the Sweetwater tonight, of course. I felt a little embarassed for not realizing that there was a show in my own hood, and made a mental note to seriously upgrade my own music discover tool. Regardless, i was quickly informed and committed myself to coming back down the hill for some Sweetwater Breakfast.

Dinner first. Great burger. PhatBurger.

Off to the show. As I walked into the Sweetwater I was met with an onslaught of music and an incredible laser light show and smoke machine(!?!?) which i'd never really seen in the bar before, ever. The band was tearing it up, really going for it, and as I got myself situated and they flowed from one song into another I was finding myself continually drawn into that place of mystical musical exploration which only comes with long-term practice of your craft and dedication to the art of touring. These guys are insanely talented, and lay down a thick soundscape that has some heavy implications.

They are now a three piece, with their pianist departed only a few months ago. Still, I'm amazing by the amount of sound they're capable of putting out on stage and how it carries through the entire club. They've becoming incredibly tight, and even harder rocking than I remember them. They're on the west coast right now for a few more shows before heading home.

Given the complete 'out there' nature of their musing they won't necessarily be everyone's cup of morning blend, but I can see a solid dedicated group of fans craving the sonic explorations and singing the praises of The Breakfast.

Ironically enough, the band used to be called Psychedelic Breakfast. As it turns out, they haven't lost touch of their namesake, and possibly are even over compensating for it no longer being in their title. Hot hot hot...
