Friday, November 03, 2006

Web Based Applications

The last several years have seen the rise of many web-based applications (as apposed to desktop applications). As everything goes online, it will be interesting to see this trend.

Here's a few of the things I find myself continually referencing online:
  • Gmail
  • Google Reader
  • Feedburner
  • NetFlix

    What I'm still looking for is a personalized News page - Google News has a personalized setting, but what I think I'm really looking for are outlets or topics that are very specific to my specified interests being present on one page. Netvibes has something like this going on with RSS, and I suppose the iGoogle Personalized Homepage is a step in the right direction.

    We'll see where the evolution of Personalized, Contributed, Shared content goes in the coming years...oh wait, I mean Months.