Thursday, July 28, 2005

Go See More Music Together!

In the spirit of "Community Development", we've been spending lots of time over here at JamBase thinking about how people like to go to see live music. One consistent idea that comes up time and again is that people like to go see live music Together. They go with friends, they meet up before the show for drinks or dinner, they sit/stand together during the show, they get rides together and (sometimes) go home together.

While I firmly believe that "we are all one", it would be an overwhelming task to organize everybody together, thus we introduce "JamBase Groups", yet another way for you to Go See Live Music ... Together!

Check it out at:

JamBase Groups expands upon the concept of JamBase Friends by allowing you to invite people to join your group and then see each other's calendars and communicate together. Groups are different than Friends in that you can see and communicate with people that are in the same group as you, even if you're not technically 'friends'. JamBase Group currently consists of the Group Events page which tells you which shows people are going to, Group Message Board so you can talk about the shows before, during (the ones you're not at) and after, as well as an evolving list of Favorite Bands.

Like most new stuff, this is still in early development so watch your step and please report any bugs to to we can fix them and make it all work smoother.

Go ahead and Start a New Group, invite some friends to join and, yup, you guessed it - Go See Live Music ... Together!