Monday, September 05, 2005

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Internet has the potential to contain all of the knowledge inherent in the universe (Helping Friend Book reference) and The Wikipedia is on a quest to achieve that.

It is, as advertised, a free encyclopedia; containing intelligent definition and commentary about anything you might be interested in knowing more about, and it's built entirely upon user-submissions.

Be it Mexican Jumping Beans, why we shake hands or who was Nick Drake? - you can find out about it with a quick search.

While this information is readily available through the net, the Wikipedia strives to consolidate it in an easy to use and effective mechanism...and it works! I keep finding myself going back. It even has a Current Events page.

And in writing about it, I just found the mission of the Wikimedia Foundation: Imagine a world in which every single person is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That's what we're doing.

Not a bad mission, and in fact, very Gamehendgian of them.