Web 2.0 Stuff

I added a line to the JamBase footer yesterday for all of the "Web 2.0" stuff I've been working on for the last few months. For those of you not in the 'lingo' know, Web 2.0 is a phrase used to describe all of the community, social networking, rss, maps, mobile stuff that has been infiltrating the web lately.
For JamBase, it's RSS :: Mobile :: Maps :: Friends :: Groups ::Podcasts :: Toolbar
Since I've been dabbling in it, I figured it needed a home since they intersect with various parts of our information, editorial and community. I was thinking that every site should have one of these lines of links somewhere to give people a chance to play with those kinds of features, but also force the owner/developer to think outside of these features as their core offering.
I've got to hand it to Russell Beattie for summing up the feelings about all of these new web application perfectly.
Oh yeah, and in true Web 2.0 fashion, all of our features are still in BETA! :)
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