The Ego of Facebook
I came across founder Mark Zuckerberg's profile. A nice Steve Jobs video, some friend comments and general 'whats up' links basically amount to a cleaner version of MySpace.
While I appreciate people wanting to congregate online and share their words, photos, experiences, etc...I still don't get the generic social network world. I'm really into the web being 'resource' driven these days. Facebook is kinda boring, dull, simple, clean, basic. Is that the appeal? Then again, I don't quite understand the appeal of MySpace being wild, random, wild, crazy, annoying, voyeuristic...oh yeah, that.
Still, I've gotta give them some props for turning down a huge offer at this stage in their game. It could be the easy way out to sell your company at the height of popularity and figure out how to adapt to a new corporate culture which will want to 'monetize' everything in sight while still trying to retain the trust of your users. Nice job, Mark. Way to stay true to your morals.
But I've also gotts say, what struck me the most about my Facebook journey was that at the bottom of EVERY page of the site below the footer of links and above the copyright notice are the words "a Mark Zuckerberg production". What's up with that?!
Mark, there's no I in TEAM (although there is an M and an E)